(一) 正取生必須於西元 2025 年 2 月 11 日[星期二]12:00(含)前,把已簽名確認之【境外新生入學報到確認函】回傳至email: oica@stu.edu.tw。
Regularly enrolled students must send the signed [Confirmation of Admission Acceptance] email: oica@stu.edu.tw by no later than 12:00 a.m., February 11th, 2025(inclusive).
(二) 完成前點作業之正取生,應於開學日(含)前,郵寄、親自或委託他人於上班時間繳交下列文件資料至越南胡志明市銀行大學招生處:
Students who have completed the previous point should submit the following documents by mail, in person or by appointment to the Admission Office of Ho Chi Minh City University of Banking during office hours before the commencement date(inclusive).
符合報考資格之相關學歷(力)證件正本:持中華民國台灣地區以外之境外學歷者,須依法完成驗證(請參閱第 5 頁),否則取消錄取及入學資格或已註冊入學者則撤銷學籍,考生不得異議。
The original of the relevant academic qualification (ability) documents that meet the eligibility criteria: holders of overseas academic qualifications outside of Taiwan, R.O.C., must complete the verification in accordance with the law (please refer to page 5), otherwise, the admission and enrollment will be canceled or enrollment will be revoked for those who have already been enrolled in the program, and the applicant shall not object to this.
(三) 逾時、逾期未報到或應繳交資料未完整者,本校得以自願放棄錄取資格論,則本校逕行以備取生依序遞補,不得異議。
If a student fails to report to the university after the deadline or fails to submit complete information, the university may voluntarily give up his/her eligibility for admission, and then the university will replace the student with a reserve student without objection.